Monday, August 2, 2021

Sadhan Samar Volume II: Caṇḍī Adhyāya Two

Extract from commentary to Verse 27

amlānapaṅkajāṁ mālāṁ śirasyurasi cāparām
addajjaladhistasyai paṅkajañcātiśobhanam 

There are other mysteries in this mantra. There is mention of the offering two lotus garlands and a lotus. They signify the threefold states of the tendencies (saṁskāra). These tendencies are divided into three kinds, future, stored and prior (āgāmī, sanñcita, prāravdha). This has been mentioned before. When one finds Mother, or meets Self,  future and stored tendencies are respectively, removed and destroyed. Only the prior (prāravdha) remains. This is destroyed by endurance. Future tendencies are displayed as an adornment for the head of Mother. Stored tendencies adorn her chest. Only prior tendencies are left. Although they are a bunch of tendencies, they are eroded in one lifetime. That is why the prior tendencies have not been called a garland but as one lotus. It is displayed in her hand, as a lotus of divine play. In reality, every event in the life of a viewer of Self is divine play (lilā). Because they do not carry out action from love or hatred, like people in general. They carry out worldly actions by offering them at the feet of Mother, like machines operated by her hands. So, this lotus is said to be in her hand. There is statement that says, ‘The life of those who have seen Self is but divine play’.

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