Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Ādyā Stotram

Oṁ, nama Ādyāyai
Śṛṇu vatsa pravakṣyāmi  Ādyāstotraṁ mahāphalam
yaḥ paṭhet satataṁ bhaktyā sa eva Viṣnuballabhaḥ............... 1
mṛtyurbyādhi bhayaṁ tasya nāsti kiñcit kalouyuge
aputrā labhate putraṁ tripakṣaṁ śravaṇaṁ yadi.................... 2
dbou māsou bandhanānmukti vriprarvaktrāt śrutaṁ yadi
mṛtabatsā jībabatsā ṣaṇmasaṁ śrabaṇaṁ yadi....................... 3
noukāyaṁ sañkate yuddhe pathanājjaya māpnuyat
likhitvā sthāpayed gehe nāgṇicourabhayaṁ kvacit................ 4
rājasthāne jayī nityaṁ prasannaḥ sarvadevatāḥ

Oṁ hrīṁ
Brahmāṇī Brahmaloke ca Vaikuṇṭhe Sarbamañgalā.............. 5
Indrāṇī Amarābatyāmbikā Aaruṇālaye
Yamālaye kālarupā, Kuverabhabane Śubhā............................6
Mahānandāgnikoṇe  ca Vayabāṁ Mṛgabāhinī
Naiṛtyaṁ Raktadantā ca Aiśanyaṁ Śuladhāriṇī.................... 7
Pātāle Vaiśnabīrupā Viṁhale Devamohinī
Surasa ca Maṇīdvipe Lañkāyaṁ Bhadrakālikā...................... 8
Rāmeśvarī Setubandhe Vimalā Puruṣottame
Virajā Ouḍradeśe ca Kāmākṣyā Nilaparvate......................... 9
Kalikā Bañgadeśe ca Ayodhyāṁ Maheśvari
Varaṇasyām Annapurṇā Gayakṣetre Gayeśarī.................... 10

Kurukṣetre Bhadrakālī, Vraje Kātyānī parā
Dvarakayaṁ Mahāmāyā Mathurayāṁ Māheśbarī............... 11
kṣudha tbaṁ sarvabhutānām belā tvaṁ sāgarasya ca
navamī śuklapakṣasya kṛṣṇāsyaikādaśī parā....................... 12
Dakṣasya duhitā Devī Dakṣaya yajña vinaśinī
Rāmasya Jānaki tvaṁ hi Rāvana dhvaṁsakāriṇī.................. 13
Canḍa Munḍa Vadhe devi Raktabija vinaśinī
Niśumbha Śumbhamathanī Madhukaitabha ghātinī............ 14
Viśnubhaktipradā Durgā sukhadā mokṣadā sadā
Ādyāstabamimaṁ puṇyṁ ya pathet satatam naraḥ.............. 15

sarva jvara bhayaṁ nasyāt sarbavyadhi vināśanam
kotitīrtha phalaṁ tasya lavate nātra saṁśayaḥ..................... 16
Jayā me cāgrataḥ pātu Vijayā pātu priṣṭhataḥ
Nārayaṇī śirṣadeśe sarbañge Siṁhabāhinī.......................... 17
Śivadūtī Ugracanḍā pratañge Paramesvarī
Viśālākṣī Mahāmāyā Kaumārī Śankhinī Śivā...................... 18
Cakriṇī Jayadātrī ca Raṇamatta Raṇapriyā
Durgā Jayantī Kālī ca Bhadrakālī Mahodari........................ 19
Nārasiṁhi ca Bārāhī Siddhidātrī Sukhapradā
Bhyañkarī Mahāroudrī mahābhya vināśinī.......................... 20

      iti Brahma-yāmale Brahma-Nārada-saṁbāde
      Ādyāstotraṁ samāptam.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

 From Preface of Sadhan Samar by Brahmarsi Satyadeva

 ‘evam paramparāprāptam’[1] :Thus down the line of succession

Acārya Śrimat Saumyendranāth Brahmacāry

To search for the source, one has to travel to the land of Śiva, to Vārāṇasi, where in the loving arms of Mother Annapurṇā, a blissful, unclothed child lives in immense bliss. One has to go to the bank of the Ganges, into its waters, where a sentient being swims and floats, in its depths where satyam-śivam-sundaram[2] is immersed in samādhi of yoga. We have to go to the feet of Viśvanāth[3] where he has taken mobile form, to the lotus feet of the great yogi Tailañga Swāmi, where in silence he explains the principles of Brahma, where he is distributing his infinite yogic energy for the benefit of humanity, Slowly coming to the final act of his own human drama, he tendered his divine body into the heart of the Ganges. It was an offering by Viśvanāth, of his love and affection for the world. In the distant past, Mahādeva had borne the divine river Gangā in his matted locks. This time, the auspicious Gangā accepted the human form of Maheśvara, carrying the yoga-śakti of the lord of yogis towards union with the ocean. But he did not reach his destination. In a fragment of the great awareness of this knowledgeable soul, appeared the grief of this world. Viewing this figure of ignorance on earth, the heart of Viśvanāth melted with mercy. Touched by sorrow, he landed at a quay at Hāorah[4]. Wisdom (prajñā) materialized in a divine birth. Self realized from birth, appeared yogi Āchārya Bijaykṛṣṇa. ‘I am your disciple, instruct me, I seek refuge in you’[5]. To enlighten the prostrating Viśvarupa, he recited the nondual, ambrosial, words of courage of the Gitā. He propounded the eternal mystery of yoga, in a yogic commentary of the Gitā. At the conclusion of the yoga of liberation, Āchārya Bijaykṛṣṇa took up all burdens of the surrendering disciple, desiring to reveal the intense, deep secrets of the principles of śakti. There were obstacles at every step, but the fearless spiritual aspirant, ignored all warnings and went forward. By electrical contact with an immense force, gross configuration dissolved into luminous form. But the wish of the sage was not in vain; it waited for the right time and place. The spiritual work wanted to flow downstream. That is why, leaving the river, we have to board a train at Hāorah station. We reach a secluded room in Kārmātār, where the paternal Bijaykṛṣṇa has taken new form as an affectionate mother, where the charioteer of Pārtha, has become the Mother of the universe, where Brahmaṛṣi Satyadeva is reaping the principles of the energy of the serene, where the Gitā has ended and the tune of the Caṇḍī has begun to play, where the ‘yogic explanation of the Gitā’ being completed, the ‘sacred conflict[6]’ has directly appeared. In this battle, the force of the guru is carrying the infant awareness of the universe towards its total nature. The knots of worldly existence are being torn, one after another. The eternal hunger of the five shells of worldly being are being satisfied by the grace of Mother, the darkness of ignorance is being removed. That is why the Mother of the universe is sometimes the warrior Durgā and sometimes the bestower of knowledge and renunciation, Annapūrṇā. Traveling on the path of Gitā and Caṇḍī, the power of the guru wanted to uncover dharma of truth of the Upaniṣads. But the great maternal spirit, overwhelmed by love for the children, attracted the illness of a favored disciple. The material body of truth natured Brahmaṛṣi dropped off untimely. But, the movement of the power of the guru towards the land of Śivā continued in the direction of a fair wind, on the paths of the gods. The journey on the path of truth continued, on which, the self-fulfilled sages have traveled for ages[7]. To deliver the resources for that path of truth, to establish the form of the Upaniṣads, Vaidyanāth himself appeared as a healer of worldly ills, in the heart seat of the Mother in Vaidynāthdhām[8]. ‘Haimabatī Darśan[9]’ was written, Gitā, Caṇḍī and Upaniṣad were strung together in one divine melody. The heart altar of a temple to salvation was created. Divine forms of Pārthasārathi, Annapūrṇā and Haimabatī, envisioned by a succession of gurus, were installed. That is why I say, the mobile Viśveśvara of Vārāṇasī became the stable Narendranāth of Vaidyanāthdhām. So I say, Śiva became jiva and jiva became Śiva, both together as one. That is why I say, hidden behind all name and form, keeps flowing the bliss of Brahma, the one eternal flood of purity, that is why we sing in joy, ‘I am blessed, I am enriched’. That is why in unison with the voices of the sages we offer our salutations, “Disciple seated within guru, guru within disciple. Our salutations to guru and disciple, to disciple and guru”.

Oṁ, Ṡānti, Hari Oṁ’.

[1] Bhāgavad Gitā, 4:2.
[2] truth, beneficience, beauty
[3] Lord Śiva in Vārāṇasi
[4] town by the Ganges in Bengal
[5] Bhāgavad Gitā, 2:7
[6] Sādhan Samar
[7] yenākramamṛṣyo hyāptakāmo yātra, Muṇḍaka Upaniśad 3.1.6
[8] in the town of Deoghar, presently in Jhārkhaṇd, India
[9] vision of the goddess Haimabati