Friday, August 15, 2008
satyameva jayate
yenAkramamRySyo hyAptakAmo yatra tat satyasya paramaM nidhanam
only truth triumphs, not untruth; by truth is paved the divine path,
traveling on which the self realized sages, attained supreme truth
mundaka upanishad 3.1.6
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
dakSina kAli dhyana mantra
kalikAm dakshinAm dibyAm munda-mAlA bibhushitAm
sadya-chinna shira kharga bamA-dordha karAmbujAm
abhayAm baradAn-chaiba dakshina-dArdha pAnikAm
mahA-megha-prabhAm shyamAm tathA chaiba digambarim
kanThA-bashakta mundAli galad-rudhira-charchitAm
karna-batAng shatA-nita shaba-jugma bhayanakAm
ghora-drashtAm kara-lAsyAm pinnonnata-payodhorAm
shabanAm karasanghAtayi krita-kAnchim hasan-mukhim
srikkadaya galadrakta-dhArA bishphuri-tananAm
ghorarabAm mahA-roudrim sashAnAlaya-bAshinim
bAlArka mandalA-kAra lochana tri tayAnitwam
danturam dakshina-byapi lambomAn kaccho-choyAam
shaba-rupa mahA-deva hridayo-pari sangsthitAm
shibArbi-ghora rAbArvi chatur-drikkhu samanitwAm
mahAkAlena cha samam biparita-ratAturam
sukha-prassanna-badanAm smerAnana-saroru-hAm
ebam sacchinta-eta kAlim dharmma-kAmArtho-mokhsha-dAm
Meditation Hymn of Dakshina Kali
Om. Fierce of face, she is dark, with flowing hair and four-armed.
Dakshina Kalika divine, adorned with a garland of heads.
In Her lotus hands on the left, a severed head and a sword.
She bestows sanctuary and blessings with her right hands.
The color of the monsoon clouds, and clothed by the sky,
the garland of heads around her neck, tinges her with blood.
Fear-inspiring, with a pair of unborns as her earrings.
Her face is ferocious , her high breasts full in affection.
Girdled with a skirt of severed arms, she smiles.
A stream of blood flows from the corner of her lips.
Terrifying of voice, turbulent, dwelling in cremation grounds
With fearsome teeth, her three eyes reddened like the early sun.
she is installed on the heart of a corpse-like Siva.
Jackals howl around her, filling the four directions.
She is in reverse congress with mahakal (Time) .
With a blissful face, she is always smiling.
Meditate on kali, who grants all needs and desires.
**This transliteration follows the text given by Shri Narendranath Brahmachary
of Dev Sangha Ashram, Deoghar, India, in his ‘Mantra O Puja Rahasya’
( Mantra and Mystery of Worship).
© 2008 Adyakalidas
Monday, August 4, 2008
Science of Tantra: From Dr. Mahanambrata Brahmachari
Another name for the Vedas is Nigama, and another for Tantra is Aagama. Nigama and Aagama both words have a similar meaning, that from which all knowledge arises or comes. Both are universal stores of knowledge. In the eyes of the seers, they are both apaurusheya – not composed by any human. The rishis felt that truth could not be created. Whatever is created at any time, or is demarcated by any space or age, would be transient and non-truth. Whatever is True, exists for all time, there is never a dearth of it in any time-frame.
The Gita says, ‘naasato vidyatay bhaabo naabhaabo vidyatay satah’, that which is non-truth could be scarce, there is no scarcity of truth.
The truth had no creator, could not have one. Truth has a seer or viewer, truth is observed, truth is remembered, truth is not created. The tantras and the Vedas are both stores of true knowledge, they have no composer. In most Tantras, Siva is the speaker, Parvati the audience. The Primal Father speaks, and the Primal Mother listens. This also sets the idea of absence of a composer. There is no real meaning to try to determine the age of what is Apaurusheya. Much effort is now seen in determining the ages of the Vedas and the Tantras. In the eyes of the Aryan seer these are meaningless. The tree comes from the seed and the seed from the tree. Whether the tree came before or the seed came before; such questions have no satisfying solutions, similar to the question of who or when created the earth.
Knowledge can be twofold – philosophical and scientific. There are two components in knowledge – the knower and what is known. The subject is the Knower, the object , what is known. The attempt of philosophy is inquiry about the knower. The question for science is about the object of knowledge. I see a flower. What is the ‘I’ – this is the objective of philosophical query. What is the ‘flower’ is the question for science.
Philosophy is synthetic, science analytic. Philosophy turns towards the whole, science looks at the segments. One takes a total view, the other at the separate parts. To see the whole garden is a philosophical view, to study each plant is a scientific task.
The Tantrics have a scientific sense and vision. Their efforts led to much deep investigative sciences. The contributions to advancement of science from Tantra is somewhat seen in ‘History of Hindu Chemistry’ by Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy and ‘Positive Science of Hindus’ by Sri Brojen Shil. The word ‘Tantra’ connotes scientific investigation and logical, systematic determination of facts. For example, surgery is about the scientific discussion of use the of instruments. The contribution to a detailed analysis of the body by the ‘Sushruta Sanhita” is no less than that of Gray’s anatomy from the West. Western science has not yet reached the fine analysis of the Tantra masters about the subtler parts of the body. Information about Ira, Pingalaa, Sushumnaa, Mulaadhaar etc. is still in the dreams of occidental science.
Geology, botany, biology, astronomy, psychology, sociology, have all had contributions from Tantra. In India, mathematics, number theory, geometry and trigonometry have all been enriched from Tantra.
The Tantras study things that are transient and changeable. That which is sentient is the focus of the Vedas. All things in this world can undergo changes, so anything in this world is in the scope of the Tantras. To the common person, sputum and urine are things of disgust. To a scientist they are valuable as clue to health and disease. For common people, discussion about sexual organs is pornographic, to the science of Tantra, they are valuable clues to the mystery of creation.